

My Biography(略歴)

 After studies about differential equations, Fourier series, and fluid mechanics at University, I had taught mathematics and other subjects at a school in Mie for 8 years.
 From Last spring, I started studying programming and design with the help of TECH I.S. and WAS Multimedia PC School. Recently,to get a chance thankfully, I have just worked at ChuoZuken,Nagoya as a fledgling engineer which makes electronic manuals about aircrafts.
 Personally, continuing studying programming apart from work, I would like to develop web applications that can reduce the burden on busy teachers in Japan and that can be used easily without having to get an account in the future.

 大学で微分方程式、フーリエ級数、流体力学を学んだ後、 三重県の学校で8年間数学などを教えていました。
 その後去年の春からTECH I.SとWASパソコンマルチメディアスクールで プログラミングとデザインの勉強を始め、ありがたいことに 中央図研(株),名古屋 で航空機に関する電子マニュアルを作成する駆け出しのエンジニアとして働く機会をいただき、 ちょうど働き始めたところです。
 プログラミングの勉強は仕事とは別に続け、将来的には日本の多忙な先生方の負担を軽減でき、 アカウントを取得せずに簡単に利用できるWebアプリケーションを開発したいと考えています。



 Programming Language & Flamework, Tools
 ,which has learned or used

HTML / CSS / Javascript / PHP / MySQL / Laravel / Github / Slack /Bootstrap

Photoshop / Illustrator / teams / basic knowledge about DX・UX marketing and design

Laravel / Python3 / Django / Flutter / Vue.js / Typescript / GeoGebra script / Javascript / React / Tailwind CSS


 Works At WAS PC multi-media school

 I've been learning Photoshop, Illustrator, and basic knowledge about DX・UX marketing and design At WAS for the past three months. Finally, by using Photoshop and Illustrator, I trained to make materials for Web pages.

 この3ヶ月間、PhotoshopとIllustrator、そしてDX・UXマーケティングとデザインの基礎知識をWASで学びました。 最終的には、PhotoshopとIllustratorを使い、Webページの素材を作れるように訓練しました。

To works

TECH I.S.のロゴ チーム開発のロゴ

 Team-Development at TECH I.S>
 (TECH I.S.のカリキュラムの一環としてリンク先の商品管理システムを作成)

 As part of the TECH I.S. curriculum, a team of four students including myself and one instructor created a production management system. I was mainly responsible for product registration, product search, navigation, layout design, user authentication, individual product display, account editing, product content editing, error pattern display, logout functions, and system deployment.

 TECH I.S.のカリキュラムの一環として、受講生4人、講師1人のチームでリンク先の商品管理システムを作成しました。商品登録機能、商品検索機能、 ナビゲーション、レイアウトデザイン、ユーザー認証機能、商品個別表示機能、アカウント編集機能、商品内容編集機能、エラーパターンの表示機能、ログアウト機能、 デプロイなどを私は主に担当しました。

To works


My Qiita Artcles(プログラミング学習備忘録・数学に関することあれこれ)




 この「NoTenki」は「Python」で構築できる「OCR(Optical Character Recognition(/ Reader)、(光学的文字認識≒文字を含む画像の文字部分だけを読み取ってword文章化する技術)」とAIを使って、 生徒の感想用紙やアンケートなどをpdf化したものを、要約・整理し、Wordや ExcelにまとめてくれるWebアプリです。 最終的には、学校タブレットのカメラ機能との連携も考えています。



ことが主な原因として挙げられると考えています。そのため、セキリティ性の強いLaravelと連携させ、Vue.jsなどによりユーザービリティの高い、 アカウントを取らなくても使える設計を計画しています。

"NoTenki" is a web application that uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition/Reader, a technology that reads only the text portion of an image containing text and converts it into word text) and AI, which can be built into "Python", to summarize and organize student impression forms, questionnaires, etc., converted into pdf files, and compile them into Word and Excel. The application is a web application that summarizes and organizes student feedback forms, questionnaires, etc. , converts them into PDF files, and compiles them into Word and Excel files using AI. I am also thinking of eventually integrating with the camera function of school tablets.
 I envision a generic version of an existing automated grading system that can be implemented for about 150,000yen per year.

Based on my 8 years of experience working as a teacher, one of the causes of long working hours for teachers in Japan, although it can be reduced if ICT is promoted,
  1. ① It is difficult to download and install the necessary software and programs for ICT in terms of security on school computers,
  2. ② Not all teachers are ICT experts just because they are given things to begin with, as in other industries,
  3. ③ It takes a lot of time to get an account at a school.

Therefore, I am planning to link with Laravel, which is highly secure, and to design a highly usable system with Vue.js, etc., so that users can use the system even without an account.

To works